The preterite of regular -er and -ir verbsThe preterite of regular -er and -ir verbs behave similarly. A slight difference is actually in the behaviour of the stem, as we'll see in a moment. Taking as examples the verbs entender (to understand) and salir (to go out), the endings and example forms of the preterite are as follows:
Some authors analyse these as being essentially "the same endings" as for -ar verbs, and that what changes is the theme vowel (a to i). However, if you see things this way, you must still remember the difference in the yo forms between -é/-í and in the él/ella forms -ó/-ió. Practise the preterite of -er and -ir verbsFill in the grid below to practise the preterite of -er and -ir verbs: Next...There are a couple of directions you can go in at this point: